What a Pleasant World It Would Be

“Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification.” (Romans 15:2)

            What would the world look like if this rule was put into place?  If we each woke up in the morning and viewed the day as an opportunity to do good to others and improve their lives?  Edification means ‘to build up’ in the same way a structure is an edifice – so, too, each person’s life is constructed of the moments and interactions within it.

            Typically, a good day is filled with moments of positive connection with others, and a bad day is filled with negative ones.  Though stuff can upset us, it is more often than not the individuals we come in contact with who make the biggest impact on our day.

            Helpful hands, smiling faces, and listening ears are always appreciated.  That extra second to hold the door or say, “Thank you!” with good eye contact and clear tone? These things make the difference.  Are we improving the lives of those around us? Are we showing and sharing Jesus with them? Are we inquisitive and curious about what they might need?

            If so – that’s a day well spent!

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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