What if the Sermon is for Me?

“… for they understood that He spoke this parable against them.” (Luke 20:19)

As Jesus neared His crucifixion hour, His teaching became more and more pointed.  The parables became less veiled, and even the chief priests and scribes recognized that He was speaking against them.  They felt their power slipping, and they feared Jesus’ influence upon the crowds. 

In their struggle to control and remain in power, they forgot to ask a crucial question: what if Jesus is right?  There are times God’s word IS spoken against us.  It is intended to convict, to bring mourning and grief, and to foster repentance.  Sometimes, the sermon is meant for you and not the other guy in the pew.  When the Word convicts – what do you do next?  Do you plot, rationalize, and sabotage?  Or do you submit to the King?

The text is for you, not just your neighbor.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Embrace the King

“But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to reign over us.’ ” (Luke 19:14)

Jesus spoke these words while in the city of Jericho.  The idea of a delegation being sent to receive a kingdom would have made perfect sense to the people of that city.  Herod and Archelaus had done that very thing.  Archelaus had journeyed across a great distance to speak with Caesar and came back with the authority to rule over Jericho, and the citizens had sent a delegation to appeal to Caesar because they hated Archelaus.  The end result?  Archelaus ruled anyways.

Jesus may be hated by many, and mankind may despise His authority and their responsibility to submit to it, but that doesn’t change anything.  Jesus has been crowned King of kings and Lord of lords.  We cannot expect our feelings about the matter to change the reality of His reign.

Embrace the King or despise Him – He is King nonetheless.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

What Will He Find?

“However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

            Good question.  If Jesus came back today, would He find you faithful or distracted?  Would He find you with a list of reasons faithfulness will be pursued tomorrow or find you bearing fruit for His kingdom?

            Make no mistake – He is coming back.  What will the King find His citizens doing?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Queen of Sodom

“Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32)

            Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah with wistful eyes.  The place that is synonymous with evil and wickedness was also her hometown.  She had become attached to a world that wasn’t worthy of her love.

Our heart cannot exist in two places for very long – ultimately it will choose to fix its adoration.  Lot’s wife needed to look ahead to the future, but she was so enamored by the opulence and lifestyle of the past that she left room in her heart for Sodom and Gomorrah.

Don’t make the same mistake.  Leave no room in your heart and your mind’s eye to glamorize sin or its “luxuries”.  Don’t fall for the trap of remembering the glitter of sin but not the sting.  Even if Lot’s wife were queen of Sodom… who would want that title anyways?!

Look forward.  Get out, move on, and reach upward.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Shrewd as Light

“…for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light.” (Luke 16:8)

            We are wildly creative when it comes to getting what we want.  When you want to get your coworker to take your shift, suddenly you become a fantastic negotiator.  When it comes to getting what we want, even the drug addict finds a way to get their next hit.  People are creative when it comes to this life – we know how to get that raise, haggle that car price down, argue our case with family and friends, or find the pathway to chase our dreams.  We know how to be shrewd when we need to be.

            Yet, when it comes to spiritual things, we often give up too easily.  We don’t translate that shrewdness to evangelism, or personal growth, or storing treasures in heaven.  We find excuses instead of solutions.

            Don’t accept that sort of behavior from yourself.  Be creative, be savvy, and be intentional about your life as a child of light.  Your soul depends on it.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Celebration Required!

“But we had to celebrate and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live and was lost and has been found.” (Luke 15:32)

            When a soul repents – God requires celebration!  There is no greater joy to be found in all the heavenly realms than the lost sinner being found.  We often see in repentance all the difficult things.  We connect repentance with shame, humiliation, and brokenness.

            Yet, God constantly tells us of the joy that our repentance brings.  Celebration is required because repentance brings life, the removal of shame, and the soul being made whole again.  Do not allow the devil to rob you of the joy repentance brings.

            When we mourn over sin, God celebrates the new life.  Saying, “I’m sorry” won’t kill you, but it might just save your life.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

To Serve With All

“So, then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.” (Luke 14:33)

            When Jesus says all, He means it.  Christianity requires all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your strength, and all of your stuff.  When we become servants of Christ, we deed to Him all of our worldly possessions, and they become His possessions, and we become merely stewards.  It’s His house, His car, and they are His groceries… they are just on loan to you.

            Jesus’ expectation is that we would take all that these things and use them for kingdom work.  When we marshal all of “our” stuff and use it for His purposes, our discipleship is full.  A soul who can empty her heart of all covetousness and with open hands serve God with all she is and has fully owned her Lord.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Are There Only A Few Being Saved?

“Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?” (Luke 13:23)

            Jesus answered this question with a warning that the door is narrow and many won’t enter it.  There are few who are saved because few care enough about being saved until it is too late.

            Don’t be the guy who buys the security system after he is robbed.  There is no negotiating for your soul on the Judgment Day – find the Way now and don’t wait.

            Jesus didn’t offer a comforting answer to this man’s question.  Perhaps it is because we ought to feel a sense of urgency, not ease, when contemplating our salvation.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Who Are You?

“Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

            Wealth is never a replacement for identity.  You could own all the world’s possessions, and yet, those goods would never be you.  In fact, many wealthy people find it quite frustrating when they realize that others no longer see them as people – they just see their money.

            Who you are is not your stuff.  Who you are is your soul, and no increase (or decrease) of possessions will ever alter that.  Your soul needs to be cultivated, cared for, fed, and exercised because that is what matters.  Be very intentional to not confuse acquisition of goods with value of person.  Who you are is what matters, and that is found in your connection to God through Christ and the Christ-like character you cultivate.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Prayer Commitment

“…yet because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.” (Luke 11:8b)

            Our Father rewards persistence.  He is impressed when His children don’t give up and show the maturity to endure – even when that endurance is shown in asking Him for something.  Our prayers are meant to leave room for His will (see James 4:13-15), but we are also allowed to continue to petition Him until a clear answer has been shown.  God does not mind hearing from us again and again.

            Do you give up too easily in your prayers?  Do you pray once or twice and then stop?  God recognizes when something is only “kinda” important to us.  Tepid commitment sometimes receives a tepid response.  Be diligent and committed in your prayers.  The Lord rewards the bold in faith.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites